EnduroCross Racer Registration

Please read all of the information below prior to registering. For more information visit endurocross.com/racers.

Registration Information

  • Registration is $125 per racer ($100 for any additional classes entered). 
  • Your registration fee includes your transponder rental. We will not be allowing individually owned transponders. 
  • Racer Registration prices increase by $50 at midnight the Thursday preceding the event.
  • EVERYONE* must register online, including all women racers.  
  • If you do not register online, you will face a hefty late fee for attempting to register onsite.
  • You will be required to provide a credit card for a security deposit upon transponder pick up
    • Pick Up Times: Friday: 5-7 pm & Saturday: 8-9 am
  • AMA Membership: You are required to be an AMA member to race our events and will be required to enter your number during online pre-registration.
  • Bring your membership card to transponder pick up so we can verify your information. 
  • We reserve the right to require an onsite purchase of an AMA membership if we cannot verify your membership.

*The only racers not required to register online have already been notified, so if you have not been notified please register for each event.  if you have questions about this, please text (918) 519-6686.

Release of Liability

A signed waiver by event participant or parent/guardian will be required before you can download your QR code. A link to obtain waivers for all registrants will be shown on the confirmation page.

I hereby give up all my rights to sue or make any claim for damages due to negligence or any other reason whatsoever against EnduroCross LLC,  Staff, Sponsors, and/or all other person, participants, and/or organizations conducting or connected with this event for any loss, injury to property or person I may suffer, including crippling injury or death, while participating in this event or while upon event premises. I know the risks of danger to myself and my property while preparing for and participating in the event and while on event premises and, relying upon my own judgement and ability, assume all such risks of loss and hereby agree to reimburse all costs to those persons or organizations connected with this event for damages incurred as a result of my negligence. I have also inspected the track, facility, and all areas connected to this event and deem them safe for myself, my minor child, and my family.

Transponder Rental Terms

Transponder Rental is REQUIRED to register for all EnduroCross rounds. This electronic device is owned by NER Timing and must be returned at the completion of your race day. Failure to return your rental transponder will result in a loss/damage fee of $250 to be charged to your card that will be recorded at time of pick-up. By paying this rental fee you are agreeing & acknowledging these terms above as well as any terms listed on nerscoring.com including but not limited to late fees.


Racer Registration:

Selecting the event and class(es) you wish to register for, please click ‘Add to Cart’. If you do not want to add a 2nd class, select ‘none’ from the dropdown list. You will fill out all racer registration related information on the checkout page. You may register multiple racers or for multiple rounds at one time. To register multiple racers for the same event, simply return to the round desired & select the class(es) desired for the second racer.

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